Sunday, January 1, 2012

Do Not Curse The Darkness

The sirens started long after the fireworks rung in the New Year. One would think that the city streets were crowded with rioters or that people’s houses were set ablaze by an arsonist as had happened in Hollywood a few nights ago. Perhaps a patrol car or two had an electronic malfunction; perhaps the sirens were just a continuation of the New Year’s celebration by those in uniform. None of that mattered except I was unable to fall asleep, but that was probably a result of the coffee I drank after the champagne.

I turned on the television and pressed 229, the EWTN channel, short for Eternal Word Television Network, started by Mother Angelica, thinking that watching whatever program that would be on would quickly put me to sleep. On the screen was a prayer. It was a nice prayer but I do not remember any of it except a few words to this effect: Do not curse the darkness but bring to it light. Then the bishop of Birmingham, Alabama came on and said some things. All I heard was something about darkness and light, probably because I was not really concentrating and the volume was on low.

Recalling my last blog of 2011 in which I expressed hope that I would not harp on negativity, I was startled by the idea conveyed by those words. Then I thought, you need a lot of light to light up the dark, I do not have that ability. That did not seem to matter. I turned off the television and drifted off.

What matter is whether seeing those words in that prayer was a coincidence or an affirmation that I am to avoid negativity. I have no idea but my gut tells me that it is the right thing to do. It will be a challenge.

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