Monday, January 9, 2012

Tim Tebow & The Gospel of St. John

The following is quoted from

"DENVER (USA Today) -- Denver Broncos QB Tim Tebow and the biblical verse John 3:16 have long been entwined. So why is it now trending on Google?

"Turns out that the evangelical Christian -- whose dramatic sideline praying on one knee has even spawned the phrase 'tebowing' -- churned out some timely 3-16s in his team's big playoff win over Pittsburgh on Sunday night.

"Most notable, Tebow threw for a season-high 316 yards and set an NFL record with 31.6 yards per completion.

"The QB, who sent fans into a frenzy after he capped off his work on the Lord's day by tossing the winning TD on the first play in overtime, routinely wrote the numbers "3:16" in black under his eyes during his collegiate years. The NFL, however, banned the practice of daubing such personal messages.

"For the record, John 3:16 reads:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

"Tebow didn't appear to note any 3:16 connection, at least not immediately, although he did hew to his practice of praising the Lord in opening remarks to the media after the game: 'First and foremost, I just want to thank my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. He's done so much in my life.'

"As John 3:16 trended and #faith posting referenced the event, one Tweet, seizing the moment, also observed: "It's a little crazy that Tebows' favorite verse is John 3:16 and he threw for 316 yards & a couple of his bosses are named John. #faith."

"The reference was to Broncos' coach John Fox and the teams executive vice president and former QB John Elway.

"Amid the John 3:16 hysteria on Google and elsewhere, comes this observation from CBS News Sports blog:

"Of course there were many detractors fed up with divine connection: 'The fact that Tebow threw for 316 yards means only one thing. He threw for 316 yards. Come on, people!'"

There will always be detractors when it comes to God and His angels. What I want to know if Tim Tebow had visions or visitations.

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