Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Pope Reveals How Much He Truly Cares About His Priests And Himself

Quoted from an article entitled  Pope Urges Priests: Bring Eucharist to Sick During Italy Coronavirus Quarantine: "Pope Francis urged priests to bring the Eucharist to the sick and to accompany medical workers, as Italy begins its first day of a nationwide quarantine." [1]

But for his own health and safety, Bergoglio is offering Mass through a livestream [2]:

Pope Francis always offers a 7:00 am Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta where he lives. This week, the Mass is being livestreamed over the internet. The pope said March 9 he is offering the Masses for those affected by the coronavirus.

What Bergoglio was implying could be this: The hell with the rest of you priests.  Go smell like sheep, tend to them and get infected as they are infected but stay away from me.

He also streamed from his papal library, quoted from an article dated 11 March 2020 [3]:

Today, Pope Francis made this observation from his papal library, where he gave a virtual, televised General Audience, as concerns over the Coronavirus has essentially put Italy on lock down.

Notice how far his two aides were sitting away from him in the photograph accompanying the article published by the National Catholic Reporter [4].

[2] Ibid.

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