Saturday, March 7, 2020

End Times Not Quite Here But Could Be Near

The previous post ended with this sentence: Even with all that is going on in the world and in the Catholic Church, it not quite the end of days as foretold in Luke 21:5-35. [1]  The conclusion was written before seeing a Newsweek  article, quoted in part below [2]:

Russia has criticized the Trump administration's pursuit and deployment of low-yield nuclear warheads, arguing it may raise the prospects of a nuclear conflict. At the same time, however, the United States estimates its top foe has up to 2,000 such warheads.

Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zakharova on Friday blasted the $28.9 billion budget proposed for the Pentagon's nuclear modernization program, along with the additional $15.6 billion earmarked for the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration's efforts to revamp the U.S. nuclear warhead arsenal. Among the weapons being developed and deployed is the W76-2, a nuclear warhead with lower yields that Zakharova and others contend could make them a more readily-available option in the event of a conflict.

Low-yield or high-yield nuclear weapons makes no difference whatsoever when "'[nation rises] against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.'" [3]  Weapons are made to kill even though God said, "Thou shalt not kill.'" [4]

Why should Russian Foreign Minister Maria Zakharova care about these new nuclear weapons in development?  A 2019 estimate shows that Russia has 6,490 nuclear warheads already [5], presumably all of them are high-yield.  Why not use them?  If Russia launches all its 6,490 high yield nuclear weapons, then United States would likely retaliate with its estimated 6,185 conventional nuclear warheads [6].

Is there a universal law that says if a country kills with a certain weapon, the other country has to match that weapon to kill in revenge?  Is not the purpose of a war is to annihilate the enemy in whatever way necessary to win it?  Does it matter whether deaths are caused by a few hundred high-yield nuclear weapons or a few thousand low-yield nuclear weapons?

If 12,000 or so high yield nuclear warheads are dropped around the world, one would not have to worry about the low yielding ones or the "'great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places'" [7] or climate change since not too many creatures would be able to survive massive nuclear explosions and their lingering aftermath.

The question remains when the Son of Man will come again, before, during or after the final nuclear war.

[3] 10.
[6] Ibid.
[7] 11.

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