Friday, March 20, 2020

Observations From The COVID-19 World Pandemic

The world is mostly united under the spread of COVID-19 but there are places and groups within communities that do not care.  Why do they not care?

1.  Pride:  I am young and invincible.  I am old and I am not about to change my life-long habits for anybody or anything.

2.  Selfishness:  So long as they remain healthy, they do not pay any attention to those overworked, over-burdened and severely stressed out healthcare workers, some of whom have themselves contracted the virus, nor do they care about being possible carriers of the virus and transmit it to others while they are asymptomatic, until they themselves get sick, start to suffer and need to seek medical attention.

3.  Greed:  Many businesses stay open to cater to who do not care, even as people are packed into a relatively confined area such as bars and gyms but many such businesses are now required to close by local governments.  Some cruise ships are still sailing.

On the flip side, good things are also happening:

1.  Humility:  Many people are realizing that no matter who one is, whether one is a nobody in society, a celebrity, a prince or a prominent and powerful political figure is not immune to contracting the virus.  The indiscriminate viral infection can humble a person regardless standing.

2.  Charity:  Some people in some communities have come together to organize ways to help others who are in need.

3.  Unity:  This is an instance where the world has mostly set aside political differences and has begun to pay attention to the world's physicians, epidemiologists and other medical experts, technicians and staff who speak with one united voice trying desperately to slow the spread of this pandemic.

In conclusion, every citizen of this world has to do what is right to combat the spread of this virus by staying home as much as possible, and by keeping oneself healthy by trying not to stress out in this challenging period, by making small personal sacrifices for the greater good, by keeping a safe distance from others, by washing hands as often as necessary, and by strengthening one's own immune system, by eating properly, resting sufficiently and staying hydrated.

Be well.  Be healthy.  And keep praying.

Thank you for reading.  God bless!!

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