Friday, March 13, 2020

Published By India Post: "Corona Virus – Is God unhappy with Mankind?"

India Post  published an article on March 13, 2020, entitled  Corona Virus – Is God unhappy with Mankind?  Quoted below are the first two paragraph and the beginning of the third [1]:

St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican City in Italy is deserted. The Pope, supreme Pontiff has cancelled all meetings and engagements in Vatican City. The world is cut off with Rome.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has temporarily banned Umrah pilgrims from all over the world. A day earlier, the Kingdom also restricted its citizens and residents from visiting Makkah. Although the Makkah entry restrictions announced are precautionary temporary steps, the Holy Kaaba is a deserted place.

Yes, for the first time in the history of mankind the circling of Kaaba has been stopped....

The rest of it is an interesting read.

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