Friday, March 13, 2020

Attendees Present At Pope's Mass Said In Person

Vatican News  posted a video on 12 March 2020 that showed, at the very beginning, attendees at Casa Santa Marta, the pope's chapel, while the pope was saying Mass. [1]  It did not show him, or anyone else, distributing Holy Communion, however.

Who were the attendees was not specified, and many seats were left unoccupied.  It therefore can be assumed that it was not a public event, but nonetheless public enough due to the fact that the attendees probably were not living in isolation.  Since Holy Communion was not shown to have been distributed, the pope was able to maintain a relatively safe distance between himself and the attendees, one that presumably was far apart enough to minimize the risk of any viral transmission.

This was a brave and respectable action taken by the pope in an environment full of fear.


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