Sunday, October 6, 2019

Satan, Liar And Tempter, And The Coming Of The Antichrist

Satan's first lied, then tempted, quoted without references [1]:

"You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman.  "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

After Adam who chose to disobey God and ate the forbidden fruit that Eve gave to him, God said: "you are dust and to dust you will return." [2]

Satan lied to ruin man.  Satan is envious of man and will do anything to possess his soul and send it to Hell for an eternity.  There are people that are, so to speak, low hanging fruit for Satan to pick and ruin easily.  They are the ones who on the surface appear bold but who are actually timid and insecure, who rely on lies to prop themselves up to hide their innate weaknesses, who are scared to death of the truth which ironically is their own powerlessness combined with their nothingness.  When stripped of their influence, liars will tremble.  Not even mountains of denials can cover up the inevitable realization that they are dust and to dust they will return.

Fearing and denying the truth is no different from fearing and denying God.  Those who fear God and try to do the right things by God will probably have God's mercy.  Those who deny God and submits willingly to Satan seal their own fate, one that an eternity of regret will likely not reverse.

Liars, like Satan, hide behind crooked ways.  What they say has no bearing upon what they do.  Liars prefer twists and turns, resembling snakes that zigzag around, especially those venomous two-headed ones.

Nowadays, lies are so ubiquitous that they have become the norm.  A good liar is also a good tempter because a liar can make anything sound good and believable since he knows he will not and cannot make his promises come true.

As more and more two-faced liars attain positions of power, people around the world are beginning to have a cloudier and cloudier sense of the truth.  This progression paves the way for the rise of the Antichrist.  The Antichrist impersonates Christ.  By the time it appears, people would be so accustomed to liars and their lies that most would not be able to tell that the Antichrist is not the true Christ.

Is the world coming to an end?  Not imminently but it seems to be meandering gradually toward it.

[2] Ibid.

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