Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mother Earth?

Vatican News  reported as follows, quoted in part [1]:

The Vatican publishing house, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, on Thursday released a new book of Pope Francis’ thoughts on the environment, including a previously unpublished text. “Our Mother Earth: A Christian reading of the environmental challenge” (Italian: Nostra Terra Madre. Una lettura Cristiana della sfida dell’ambiente) ...

Wikipedia  has this to say about Mother Earth, quoted without hyperlinks [2]:

Mother Nature (sometimes known as Mother Earth or the Earth-Mother) is a Greco-Roman personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the mother.

The Catholic Church has only one Mother.  She is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.  The earth is not a mother.  Nature is sometimes referred to as "Mother Nature" in a secular sense but not in a religious sense.  The pope has no business publishing a book on the environment and referring to nature as "Our Mother Earth".

His job is solely to bring God into focus in order to lead souls to Heaven, not to be a climate activist like the 16 year old Greta Thunberg, born "born 3 January 2003" [3], or be like one of those self-proclaimed environmentalists who are mostly wealthy, influential and well-educated hypocrites whose combined carbon footprints are probably far, far larger than all the ones made by those who lack education, are powerless and who live in abject poverty around the world.

Further along the same article published by Vatican News  is this rather troubling paragraph [4]:

The Holy Father, however, cautions that a technological revolution and individual commitment are not enough. Awareness, he says, is gained primarily through an “authentic spirit of communion”.  We must start again from forgiveness: asking forgiveness of the poor and the exclusive, first of all, in order to be capable of asking forgiveness also of “the earth, the sea, the air, the animals…” For Pope Francis, seeking forgiveness means totally revising one’s own way of thinking; it means profound personal renewal.

When did Christ teach His flock to ask for "forgiveness also of 'the earth, the sea, the air, the animals...?"  Are they gods equal to God the Father Whom Catholics pray to for forgiveness?  Should Catholics begin confessing directly to the earth, sea, air and animals?

And what does he mean by "an 'authentic spirit of communion'"?  Communion with what?  Is one's communion with Christ not good enough for Bergoglio?  Perhaps it is not.  That is probably why Bergoglio did not bother mentioning Jesus Christ by His Holy Name when speaking of communion in a Catholic sense.

What happens to one who is Catholic, who is devoted to God who "totally [revises] one's own way of thinking"? [Emphasis  added.]  Does this total  revision of thought that leads to a "profound personal renewal" mean that all devout Catholics who, after the "renewal," need to start bowing down to and worshipping Satan as the almighty one?

In an effort to walk back on his words to correct himself, Bergoglio confuses rather than enlightens, which is what Satan does best [5]:

Forgiveness, he says, is only possible in and through the Holy Spirit. It is a grace to be implored humbly from the Lord. Forgiveness, then, is to become active, undertaking a journey together, and never in solitude.

Perhaps Bergoglio needs to demolish all confessionals around the world since forgiveness has to become active and be undertaken together in a shared journey, not received passively alone with deep personal and genuine remorse inside a dimly lit stall.

It is about time that everyone gets to listen to all the pedophile priests asking actively and humbly for the Lord's forgiveness together as a group, as well as to all the inept and perhaps corrupt cardinals who allegedly misappropriated funds designated for charities by funding money-losing investments and other shady transactions.  This would then truly be a total revising of thinking by and a profound renewal of the Catholic hierarchy.

[5] Ibid.

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