Monday, October 28, 2019

Is The End Starting?

Looking at what is happening around the world, it appears that the beginning of an end is slowly taking shape, with demonstrations and riots across the globe in Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela, [1], United Kingdom (Brexit) [2], Spain (for [3] and against [4] Catalan independence), France (climate change activists) [5], Hong Kong (continuing riots - 21 consecutive weekends) [6], Iraq (many dead) (26 October 2019) [7], [8] (5 October 2019) [9], Lebanon [10], South Africa (5 September 2019) [11], there may be other places but this is the list for now.  These riots are mostly about differences in wealth and political power between those who have them and those who do not.  Conflicts could lead to a shortage of food production, raising the possibility of rising of death tolls.

Then there is inclement weather.  Wildfires in California [12], flooding in Britain [13] and in Japan [14] and fires in Indonesia [15].  Unfavorable weather conditions, too, can create food shortages.

Earthquakes are happening.  Volcano Discovery  has a current list [16].  They are minor.

Diseases can recur.  There is a polio outbreak in the Philippines [17], never mind the African swine fever [18] that the government of Philippines said is not a threat to humans [19], at least not yet, until there is commercial success with the pig-human chimera when the African swine virus can start to mutate inside the pig and spread to humans and other species.  Quoted in part below without the hyperlink is from an article dated October 20, 2017, that talks about a pig-human chimera farm and ends with an ominous prophetic sentence in its concluding paragraph [20]:

Like many of the scientists who helped usher in the groundbreaking creation of a part-human, part-animal chimera earlier this year, biologist Dr. Pablo Juan Ross is no stranger to cutting-edge tools such as CRISPR and stem cells. But he also knows his way around the inside of a pig uterus. 
While growing human cells inside fetal pigs involved some of science’s fanciest new tricks, it also required something decidedly more mundane: a farm, stocked with livestock and staffed with people like Ross who know how to handle them.

Implanting a sow with chimeric embryos isn’t easy. It take a full surgical team, strong folks to correctly position large animals on operating tables, and experts like UC Davis veterinarian Joan Dean Rowe, who has the deft touch to implant embryos — chimeric or otherwise — into precisely the right place within a pig’s huge and complex double-horned uterus. 
A lot can go wrong in these experiments, and for Ross, it often did....

If this world is starting to end, what will the end look like?  The answers (in italics  below) are in Book of Genesis.

The Serpent said:  "'...and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'"  [Emphasis  added.] [21]  Man, however, often by his Free Will chooses evil over good.  The pig-human chimera alters and warps God's perfection in Creation.  By trying to be like God, man ruins perfection and in the process he ruins himself.

God knew this was going to happen.  Earlier, God said: '"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."' [Emphasis  added.] [22]

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