Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pope's Own Words On Hypocrisy

The paragraph quoted below is from an October 15, 2019, article published by Vatican News [1]:

In his homily at Mass on Tuesday, Pope Francis says that Jesus does not tolerate hypocrisy. “We must be cured of hypocrisy,” he said, “and the medicine is knowing how to point the finger at ourselves before God”, since whoever is unable to do so is “not a good Christian”.

The medicine that cures hypocrisy prescribed by the "holy" Father begs these questions:

1.  Are there good Christians who are not hypocrites in the world?

2.  If there are, who are they, and where can they be found?

3.  Is the pope himself a good Christian who can admit before God that he is not and has never been a hypocrite?

4.  When one points one's finger at oneself and senses remorse, does one automatically become a good Christian who can resist the Devil and who will never again be hypocritical?

5.  How many times can one point one's finger at oneself and regret being hypocritical before the very act of finger-pointing at oneself is itself an act of hypocrisy?

6.  How many Catholic priests point their fingers at themselves?

7.  Who are the non-hypocritical Catholic priests who really walk in the footsteps of Christ to the point of willing to die on a cross for Christ?

Furthermore, the article also reported as follows [2]:

He goes on to explain that “a hypocritical attitude stems from the great liar, the devil”. The Pope says the devil is the “great hypocrite”, adding that all other hypocrites are his “heirs”.

Based on the above statement, that being a hypocrite seems to be the Devil's fault and that having been a hypocrite, one has irrevocably become the Devil's "heir" as if Free Will no longer exists.

And why not blame the Devil, just as Eve blamed the Serpent, and Adam blamed Eve?

[2] Ibid.

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