Monday, October 21, 2019

Proof That The Vatican Is A Shady Secular Institution

On October 21, 2019,  reported as follows, quoted in part [1]:

Using leaked Vatican documents, the Italian journal L’Espresso has revealed details of unauthorized financial transactions, concluding that “the Holy See is facing a scandal that has few precedents in recent history.”

The Vatican Secretariat of State engaged in “reckless speculative operations,” using over $700 million that was taken from the worldwide Peter’s Pence collection, L’Espresso reports. The off-books investments eventually led to an October 1 raid by Vatican prosecutors on the offices of the Secretariat of State.

A memorandum from those prosecutors, which was obtained by L’Espresso, reports “serious indications of embezzlement, fraud, abuse of office, money laundering, and self-money laundering.”
During the period under investigation, the Secretariat of State apparently managed over $700 million brought in by the Peter’s Pence collection, without oversight. The Peter’s Pence collection, taken up each year in Catholic churches around the world, is intended to fund the Pope’s charities.
“Hundreds of millions of Euro destined for the least and the poor are still administered opaquely and with no transparency, as if the Vatican were a merchant bank in an offshore country,” the report claims,” L’Espresso reported.  [Emphasis  added.]

Is anyone not ashamed to be Catholic these days?

When will Catholic clerics around the world stage a protest?  It is not likely it will happen any time soon.  They are smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds them.  Is it not always easier to serve Satan than to serve Christ?

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