Thursday, September 20, 2018

Is Transubstantiation Possible By Judas Iscariot After His Betrayal?

This blogger believes that Judas Iscariot could not have consecrated bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ after his betrayal because Satan had entered him.  Likewise, priests who have betrayed Christ are no different than Judas Iscariot.  When Satan enters a priest, he is spiritually defrocked and is no longer a servant of God even though he may be dressed as one and say Mass as one.

Accordingly, he is unable to consecrate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.  Of course, this blogger has no theological basis for his conclusion, nor do those who argue that a priest who has betrayed Christ continues to be able to transubstantiate based on the assumption that Christ is willing to be present even though the priest has voluntarily allowed Satan to enter him.

A priest who has betrayed Christ, in this blogger's opinion, is no different than a lay person in his/her inability to transubstantiate.  A lay person dressed as a priest, says prayers of consecration, cannot transubstantiate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.  The bread and wine remain as bread and wine.  Nothing has changed.

If the Catholic Church holds the position that a priest who betrayed Christ cannot consecrate bread and wine, then it would be far more vigilant, making sure that priests remain chaste and celibate, and that they do not lie to faithful Catholics by their secrets and denials.  Those who cover-up for the betrayer-priests are equal to them and Judas Iscariot by imputation.

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