Monday, September 3, 2018

Tip Of The Iceberg: The United States Catholic Church Sex Scandals

Bergoglio should be afraid, very afraid, so should Cardinals, Archbishops, bishops and priests who were and are part of the sex scandals themseles and who have participated and are participating in the cover-up.

Sex scandals inside the Catholic Church that had been uncovered elsewhere in the world would make news but soon the news would soon be forgotten just like the weather forecast from a few days before.  The dirt on the sex scandals that had been uncovered within the United States is not so easily swept under the proverbial rug.

Despite having political problems, the United States is largely unashamed and unafraid of scandals, and Americans have both the resources and the determination get to the bottom of them, those that are within its jurisdiction.  Since these scandals had taken place and are taking place within the state, it is the state that would exercise jurisdiction over them.  Every state within the United States is basically a sovereign [1] and is not subject to the dictates of the Holy See.  Of all people, Donald William Wuerl should know.  It was not to his boss, Bergoglio, at the Vatican that he ran to when evidence showed that he had lied, it was under a law firm, Jones Day, that he ducked, to seek protection. [2]

Sex scandals inside the Catholic Church are neither confined within the State of Pennsylvania nor to the east coast of the United States.  Such cases are probably in all 50 states.  In the Midwest, the Attorney General's office in the State of Nebraska is beginning its investigation of sex scandals. [3]  In the south, "[a] Texas priest [who has been] accused of molesting teens and stealing from his parish has gone missing." [4]  On the west coast, Dan Noyes of abc7news  reported on August 20, 2018,  that "[he] contacted California Attorney General Xavier Becerra's press office to see if he would begin a similar investigation [to the one that took place in Pennsylvania], given the long history of abuse in the Catholic church in this state. Here's the answer: ‘Thank you for your inquiry. To protect its integrity, we can't comment on, even to confirm or deny, a potential or ongoing investigation.’" [5]

Time will tell if State Attorney General offices across the United States are on the side of sexual victims of the Catholic Church or on the side of the corrupted Vatican that would likely do everything in its power to hang on to its moral authority despite its proven hypocrisy.


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