Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Catholic Clergy - An Analysis

Christ had twelve disciples.  One of them betrayed Him.  In mathematical terms, that is one-twelfth or approximately eight percent (8%).  Would it be reasonable to extrapolate and conclude that 8% of all Catholic clergy are betrayers of Christ?  The 8% took place when Christ was Himself present.  Without Christ being in the flesh, the percentage could very well be far greater.

Betrayers are not limited to sexual deviants, homosexual and heterosexual, who break their vow of chastity.  (Here is what Christ said about oaths: "'Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, "Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow."'" [1])  A betrayer is also one who condones and/or covers up for another who does not abide by the vow of chastity.  A pope, priest, bishop, archbishop or Cardinal does not have to commit a sin personally to have the sin attributed to him (this applies equally to nuns).  They should know this from reading the Gospel of Matthew:

"'You have heard that it was said, "You shall not commit adultery." But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.'" [2]

Catholics must not live in hypocrisy, or in a fantasy world believing that one who wears a habit is necessarily holy.  After all, even saints had their share of sins otherwise Augustine would not have written out his confessions.  One has to wonder what kind of confessions John Paul II, canonized a saint by Bergoglio, would have written, about what he knew about the sex scandals and what he did to allow such acts to continue and what did not do to stop them.  This, of course, would have been just the tip of his iceberg.  Only he and God know all that were beneath it.

Tolerating hypocrisy of those in charge of the Catholic Church cannot be easy since it requires one to ignore Christ's truths and to abet their deceits.  Yet, there are many who are willing to be co-conspirators, reclassifying a matter between good and evil into one between liberal and conservative.

The teachings of Christ are clear but not easy to follow but one must despite repeated failures, and never give up trying.

Live by the truth and pray for God's mercy; live by deceit and fall into Satan's welcoming embrace.

[1], at 33.
[2], at 27-8.

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