Friday, September 21, 2018

Sex Abuse Recounted By A Priest In His Homily In San Jose, California

The National Catholic Reporter  published an article entitled In homily, Calif. priest says he was abused, hears from dozens of victims  on September 21, 2018.  Parts of it are quoted below [1]:

WASHINGTON — To be a voice for victims of clerical sexual abuse, Fr. Brendan McGuire realized he had to come to terms with the abuse he suffered at the hands of a priest when he was 18. It was a secret he had held for 35 years.

He told the story of his abuse in a homily delivered at five weekend Masses Sept. 8-9 at Holy Spirit Church in San Jose, California, where he is pastor.


Since the homilies, McGuire said, he has heard from 45 men who told him they also had been abused. Five of the men were priests, he added, and four of those had been abused while they were seminarians.

"One man was 95 years old. He'd been holding it for 60-plus years, 70-plus years," the priest said. "I thought 35 was a lot."

Growing up in Bray, Ireland, near Dublin, McGuire said he first met his priest-abuser when he was 14, and did not recognize the four years of "grooming" by the priest for his "final play," with the priest saying during the attack that he had waited until young McGuire had turned 18 "so it wouldn't be child abuse."

While the future priest successfully fought off his abuser -- "I was one of the lucky ones," he said in his homily -- others were not so lucky. The priest, who was not named in the homily, had preyed on dozens in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, was imprisoned in 2004 and died in prison two years later. 
"We cannot defend priest-perpetrators and those bishops and others who enable or protect them," McGrath said. 
"... Let us speak the truth."

But obsequious Blase Cupich supports his boss Bergoglio who wants these matters silenced and recalled only in prayer.


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