Thursday, September 20, 2018

Recommendation: A Vatican Synod On Children

The Vatican will have a Synod on young people in October, 2018. [1]  In addition to the "29 bishops appointed personally by Pope Francis to participate in the synod" [2] are two delegates from the United States, namely, "Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago and Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark." [3]

Something is missing and that is the "elephant in the room"-- the sexually abused.  Before people become young adults, they were children first.  By the time some of them reach adulthood, they had already been sexually abused by clerics, such as former Cardinals Pell and McCarrick.

To protect the vulnerable and innocent boys and girls from sexual perverts in the Catholic Church and those who protect them, they ought to be taught what to expect in the "real world" and learn to protect themselves from sexual abuse.  This idea is not revolutionary.  Kids in school are taught fire preparedness [4] and earthquake safety activities in areas prone to have earthquakes [5].  Therefore it makes sense to teach them how to stay safe and away from sexual predators and how to report them to the appropriate authorities without delay.  Teach them about DNA evidence and how to preserve it as proof of sexual abuse, if applicable.

In addition, there should be an advance warning system, a website accessible to all that lists the names of those who are sexual predators and those with a history of sexual predation, and tells when sexual predators are being transferred from which diocese to which diocese.  This is similar to warnings of an impending hurricane and the destructive path it will be on.  Naming names of the clerics who are responsible for their transfers is useful as well.

This blogger recommends that Bergoglio convene a synod for children.  He should appoint the sexual perverts themselves to educate the innocent children, recounting the truth of what took place in detail, episode by episode, no matter how sickening and repulsive, how they were able to put each child in a situation so that he (in most cases) could be abused in secrecy, how they exercised their power over him (in most cases) to remain quiet, how they were able to continue the abuse, time and time again in some cases.

Another suggestion is to include in the course of studies at seminaries on sexual predation to be taught by sexual predators, teaching seminarians the strategies sexual they use to obtain their prey. The seminarians can discuss among themselves and find ways that such perverse sexual attempts can be thwarted.

While these sexual perverts are on the loose, they each would be required to wear an ankle monitor [6] so that their whereabouts can be tracked.  Should they refuse, they will be on their own without any financial support from the Church whatsoever.  Enforcement will come from the Vatican, as if that would ever happen. 

[3] Ibid.

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