Saturday, January 27, 2018

"Holy" Father On Fake News

The sentence below is quoted from an article published by Vatican News  dated January 24, 2018 [1]:

The Holy Father explores what makes fake news ‘fake’, how to recognize it, truth as an antidote, and how a “journalism for peace” takes people as its focus.

The sentence quoted above is itself fake news, using the title "Holy Father" to address the decidedly unholy papal occupant.  Is this not the height of hypocrisy?  And why should it be a shock since the heart of the Vatican is no longer centered on Christ?

It is no surprise that Bergoglio had wasted his time on the topic of news and the ways news are being reported since he is a newsmaker who relishes being in the news.  It is to his benefit when news are reported in ways that put him in a favorable light, and there are many news outlets that do just that with reporters who are obsequious, so much so that they worship every word Bergoglio utters as if he were infallible; whereas when there are news stories that report on the truth, showing him to be the hypocrite that he is, Bergoglio puts on a dour-looking face, becomes bitter and vengeful.

Bergoglio is becoming bolder and bolder in his capacity as Satan's secular minion in the Vatican, taking advantage of bible passages to advance his secular agenda rather than to inspire people to praise and glorify God; yet, he continues to pretend to be Christ's representative by hiding in plain sight.

In general, the best place for an unidentified suspect to hide is to head an investigative team assigned to gather information to uncover the identity of the culprit.  Similarly, the best position for someone who pretends to be holy is to be in the Vatican who speaks as if he were holy, while at the same time accusing his enemies of wrongdoing (usually by relying on innuendos) and if they happen to be the media, accusing them bluntly as deceivers and manipulators, and disseminators of fake news.  This accuser happens to be the chief Vatican distorter of Christ's Truths and contradictor of Christ teachings.

With what is happening, this blogger's tone with regard to the Vatican is becoming more and more pointed and the choice of words are increasingly harsh.  Writing this way is not fun, but staying silent in light of what this blogger sees as evil is not an option.  The opinions expressed in this blog could be very wrong and if they are, not much harm is done due to a very small number of individuals who actually read them, assuming there are any who do.  It is unlikely that Satan would care to waste time occupying this lowly seat that has neither power nor influence.

One's position in the world does not matter when it comes to battling Satan since each one is called personally to stand up to it, and this blog is a place where this blogger makes his stand.  This is a place of peace and Satan is not invited and not welcomed, even though it always hangs around shamelessly, disturbing interior peace, troubling the mind, waiting to attack.  Battles will be lost here and there, but with faith in God, and a bit of grace from saying prayers daily, this blogger is determined to win his personal war against Evil.


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