Sunday, January 14, 2018

Why Not Appoint A Woman To The College Of Cardinals?

"In an interview with the New York Times's left-wing columnist Nicholas Kristof, the head of the archdiocese of Newark, N.J., Cardinal Joseph Tobin, said he saw no reason why Pope Francis could not name a woman as a Cardinal of the Catholic Church, something that has never happened in the 2,000-year history of the Church." [1]

This blogger agrees.  There is no reason why a pope "could not name a woman as a Cardinal of the Catholic Church," especially this pope who acts as if he were a dictator and who has been poisoning the minds of Catholics around the world that God is all about mercy without suffering, and not been putting responsibility upon the individual in making the right choices in accordance with the teachings of Christ.  Moreover, this pope is already doing whatever he wants to do in the most insidious ways and appointing anyone he wants to the college of Cardinals would not be outside of his modus operandi.

If a woman can be appointed as a Cardinal, then why not a transgender male who has completed a sex reassignment surgery?  Would he not then be a woman?  Would he not then satisfy the established criterion that a Cardinal be a male, yet also satisfy Cardinal Joseph Tobin's desire to have a woman be a Cardinal?  Perhaps Cardinal Joseph Tobin ought to undergo transgender surgery himself which then would not necessitate the radical appointment of a woman as a Cardinal since he is already a Cardinal.  That, in this blogger's opinion, would be the optimum way to satisfy Cardinal Joseph Tobin's wish--having a woman Cardinal in the Catholic Church, a transgender creature notwithstanding.

For cardinals such as Cardinal Joseph Tobin to poison the minds of Catholics in this way, denying the fact that the disciples of Christ are all men and disregarding the Vatican's position of apostolic succession [2], is this not apostasy?  This should hardly be a surprise since the Catholic Church is undergoing unprecedented and insidious changes from within the Vatican.  "In that sense one may have the feeling that the Church gives the appearance of being unwilling to obey the mandates of Our Lord. Then perhaps we have arrived at the End Times." [3]  If these words of Cardinal Raymond Burke are correct, that means the presence of Satan in the Vatican is becoming more and more apparent and its influence more and more widespread, signs that the spiritually blind are unable to see.

[1], quoted without hyperlinks.

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