Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Voice For The Catholic Church

The following photograph of Bishop Athanasius Schneider is from an article written by Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register  entitled How Bishop Athanasius Schneider Became a Leading Voice for Catholic Truth  published on January 17, 2018 [1]:

"Bishop Athanasius Schneider (Edward Pentin photo)"

God is not about to hand over to Satan the Catholic Church Christ had died to raise up. [2]  "[T]he Mystical Body of the [Catholic] Church," [3] "[the] Church which Christ purchased with His own Blood." [4]  "That the Church is a body is frequently asserted in the Sacred Scriptures. 'Christ,' says the Apostle, 'is the Head of the Body of the Church.'  If the Church is a body, it must be an unbroken unity, according to those words of Paul: 'Though many we are one body in Christ.'" [5]

The Catholic Church that is the Mystical Body of Christ can only be whole and unbroken when it is returned to its original form from its transformed state which is no longer recognizable as the Mystical Body of Christ, as if Christ is even part of Bergoglio's and his demonic team's collective consciousness as they work to secularize the Church at a rapid pace.  A glance at Bergoglio's 2018 agenda gives credence to the foregoing statement, one which includes the"gathering [of] opinions from thousands of people, whether Catholic or not, [Satanic or not]" "to search for ways to help young people practice the faith." [6]

Yet, in the midst of a whirlwind of demonic plans and activities, a voice speaks with clarity, bringing to the forefront what is largely absent from and forgotten by this papacy--the real presence of Christ [7]:

As [Bishop Athanasius Schneider] has long stressed, the Most Holy Sacrament must be treated with the utmost reverence, especially in the liturgy, and he sees this lost sense of the Real Presence as the cause of a “conformation to the world” stemming from an “anthropocentrism” that poses “the greatest spiritual danger.”

“The remedy,” he told the Register, “is to break with the complex of inferiority toward the world, to put Christ really in the center of every detail in the liturgy of the Mass, to proclaim Christ truly incarnated, Christ crucified, Christ living and reigning in his hidden Divine Majesty in the Eucharist, Christ the King of every man and of every human society.”

The article from which the above paragraphs were quoted is a worthwhile read.  This blogger believes that Bishop Athanasius Schneider will be a light that will in time rise and shine brightly as the Catholic Church continue its decline into darkness under Bergoglio.  The following paragraphs are also quoted from the same source which show that Bishop Athanasius was only a boy (named Anton) when he seemed to have been chosen to do what may lie ahead [8]:

In 1973, shortly after [young Anton Schneider received] his first Holy Communion in secret, the Estonian government allowed the Schneiders to move to the Baden-Württemberg region of West Germany. 
They were imbued with such a reverence for the Eucharist that when they came to Germany, they were appalled to see Holy Communion received in the hand and standing up. As a family, they unilaterally knelt to receive the Eucharist, and other families soon followed suit. 
Bishop Schneider told the Register that he sees Communion in the hand, which he says was invented by Calvinist communities, as a “banalization that borders on profanation.” [The Schneiders] never imagined that the “Eucharistic Lord, the Holy of Holies, could be treated in such a banal manner.” 
Since the age of 12, he said he has “carried this pain in my soul,” and it prompted him to write his 2009 book on the Eucharist, Dominus Est (It Is the Lord).

This blogger believes that Bishop Athanasius Schneider is one of God's chosen shepherds who will save many innocent sheep that have been deceived and swept inside the demonic vortex spiraling downward into darkness and return home with them together with those with awareness yet wandering about to the once-upon-a-time stable in Bethlehem in which Christ was born to become the Mystical Body of the Catholic Church.

[2], at 19.
[3], quoted from the first paragraph of MYSTICI CORPORIS CHRISTI,
[4] Ibid., quoted from Paragraph 2 without footnote 2.
[5] Ibid., quoted from Paragraph 14 without footnotes and references to footnotes.
[8] Ibid, quoted without hyperlink.

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