Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Vatican's Excuse, Denial And Rationalization

When the Vatican has to come up with the following excuse, denial and rationalization that it is not tacitly siding with abortionists is a sign that Satan is firmly in charge.  Andrea Gagliarducci, writing for Catholic News Agency  in an article dated January 16, 2018, entitled Award to pro-abortion politician a matter of protocol, Vatican says  reported as follows, quoted in part [1]:

The conferral of the Vatican’s Order of St. Gregory the Great to Dutch politician and pro-abortion activist Liliane Ploumen was part of an ordinary diplomatic exchange of honorific titles, and does not mean that the Vatican supports Ploumen’s abortion campaigns, a Vatican spokesperson explained Jan. 15.

Responding to requests of clarification, Paloma Garcia-Ovejero, deputy director of the Holy See Press Office, said that “the honorific of the St. Gregory the Great Pontifical Order that Liliane Ploumen, then Minister for Development received in June 2017, during the visit of the Dutch Royals to the Holy Father, is part of the diplomatic praxis of the exchange of decorations among delegations during official visits between heads of state and government to the Vatican.”

Garcia-Ovejero said that the decoration “cannot be by any way considered an endorsement to the pro-abortion and birth control politics advocated by Mrs. Ploumen.”


In some cases, the Vatican can ask not to proceed with an exchange of awards or honors, especially when some of the members of the other delegations can be controversial, a source close to the Vatican diplomatic service told CNA Jan. 15.

However, the exchange of decorations took place during the Dutch visit.

The presence of Ploumen in the Dutch delegation has sparked controversies because she is an abortion advocate.

In 2017, Ploumen launched an international campaign to support abortion, designed to counter the Trump administration’s decision to cut off funds for NGOs that facilitate abortion. Ploumen’s organization, named “She Decides,” collected nearly $400 million.

However, news of her award did not grab any headlines until Ploumen herself showed off the medal in a recent interview to the Dutch television BNR. 
In the interview, the Dutch politician presented the decoration as a personal award, and said that while her the pro-abortion campaign ““was not mentioned” as the reason for the decoration, but, she said, “the Vatican knows that I founded ‘She decides’, but this did not prevent them from awarding me.” 
“It is interesting,” she added.

The honorific was apparently given without significant previous consultation. In a statement released Jan. 15, Cardinal Wilhelm Ejik, Archbishop of Utrecht and Primate of the Netherlands, stressed that he “was not involved” in the process that decided “to give the decoration of Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order St. Gregory the Great, which the former minister Ploumen received last year.”

Cardinal Ejik said that he had not initially been aware that the decoration had been given to the minister.

This horrific act is so intrinsically evil that even a Cardinal distanced himself from the Satan-orchestrated event.  The pope has remained silent so far, and will likely not comment.  His excuse can be that he is presently traveling around Chile, where is not well-liked ("[w]hen recently asked to evaluate Pope Francis on a scale of 0 to 10, Chileans gave him a score of 5.3, the lowest ranking for any Pope" [2]).  Bergoglio only points and screams, politically yet figuratively, when things are not to his liking.

[1] https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/award-to-pro-abortion-politician-a-matter-of-protocol-vatican-says-73221
[2] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-42698564

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