Thursday, February 1, 2018

In Silence, An Imaginary Journey Toward God

Imagine the mind taking a detour from the cares, concerns, frustrations and news of the world in which one often races against time regulated by the cycles of night and day to get to places, to overcome obstacles and do the things that one has to do or wants to do according to some set schedule and enter into a parallel universe that is devoid of sounds and thoughts, where time simply is, moving forward ever so imperceptibly as if going nowhere, seemingly standing still, waiting patiently for one's mind to quiet down, to be at rest so as to be able to coexist in perfect unison with time eternal.

This parallel universe is always present in silence.  Its invisible walls wall out all distractions that burden the senses.  Only those who are committed to leaving the present world behind can pass through this doorless universe of silence.  The inside is a space that is infinite.  It is a place of interior peace which has constancy as its character.  It is a peace that is to a small degree similar to the peace that Christ gives because nothing man imagines can come close to matching the real presence of Christ.

The desire to enter this space is not the desire to escape reality.  Reality, defined here as all the fabrications of this world, as the collective fantasies of man believing that more one has the better, the more powerful one is the more secure and the more popular one becomes the happier, is the antithesis of the sum of truths that this space contains.  These truths constitute one's soul which is the true essence of man.  Therefore, the desire to enter this silent space is not to escape reality but to face true reality, defined here as one's conscious choice to embrace Original Sin that is manifested in its many variegated forms at different times to different degrees.

Facing true reality in silence, paradoxically, destroys silence.  Truths are noisy and disturb the mind.  To have pure silence, one must set aside even one's true reality.  When the mind goes blank is when one is able to find God.  In this silence God is able to hear clearly one's prayers.  Praying in silence allows one to pause and think deeply the prayer that is being prayed.  In this silence one has the time to reflect and pray repeatedly, allowing one to supplicate in sincerity.  Preferably this is being done on one's knees during the adoration of the Holy Eucharist, knowing with a doubt that one is kneeling in the presence of the living Christ, not a piece of wafer inside a monstrance.  The Holy Eucharist is Christ Himself, the wounded Heart of Christ that loves despite the pain inflicted upon Christ's Heart by man's sins.

People who see silence as a source of power by those observing it or as a rejection of those subjected to it do not appreciate the true purpose of silence.  True silence is neither dominating nor vengeful.  True silence is necessary to attain interior peace.  However, there are times when certain people simply do not appreciate this necessity in others and meddle in matters that are not theirs, for they may see themselves as indispensable and may be far removed from their true realities.  It would benefit them if they would suffer tribulations in life so that they will learn humility and know how to humble themselves before God, and be able to receive pardon from God before it is too late.

These people need to be prayed for by those in the solitude of silence before God, so that they can become strong against the evil influence of Satan and repel its demonic forces.

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