Quoted below in part is from http://divinumofficium.com, a reading for February 4th, 2018, the first reading of the day, Ad Matutinum, under pre-Trident Monastic [1]:
Reading 4
From the Book upon Noah's Ark by St Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.
Chap, iv.
We read that the Lord was angry. It is in the thoughts, that is to say, in the knowledge of God, that man being put on earth and weighted with the body cannot be without sin, for earth is the home of temptations, and the flesh is a bait for corruption. Yet man had a reasonable soul, and his soul had power to control his body; and, being so made, he made no struggle to keep himself from falling into that from whence he would not return. God's thoughts are not as man's thoughts; in Him there is no such thing as change of mind, no such thing as to be angry and then cool down again. These things are written that we may know the bitterness of our sins, whereby we have earned the Divine wrath. To such a degree had iniquity grown that God, Who by His nature cannot be moved by anger, or hatred, or any passion whatsoever, is represented as provoked to anger.
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God. [Emphasis added.]
(The above-quoted passage can be read in Latin, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Magya and Polski, see http://divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl#)
If Saint Ambrose is correct, then Bergoglio has to be wrong, and vice versa. They cannot both be correct being that one speaks of (and alludes to unconditional) Divine mercy and one spoke of Divine wrath. This blogger stands with Saint Ambrose and rejects Bergoglio with the proviso that Divine mercy does not stand alone but together with Divine justice.
If the foregoing statement is even harsher than what had been expressed previously in this blog with respect to Bergoglio and the blog loses all its readers, it will still continue as long as this blogger is capable of functioning.
[1] http://divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl
[2] https://oca.org/saints/lives/2012/12/07/103485-st-ambrose-the-bishop-of-milan
I just found your blog last night. God bless, take care and keep doing the right thing and adhering to the truth no matter what.