Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Silence In Simplicity

Simplification is necessary to achieve silence.  Besides cutting back ownership of material things, one must live through and accept the storms of life with generous understanding and humble acceptance knowing full well that they soon will pass.  No matter how seemingly unfair it might seem to have to weather such storms, agitating them will only make them last longer and more violent, causing unnecessary stress that cannot be good for one's health.

Far less exhausting is to sail through them by enclosing oneself within an invisible vessel surrounded by the silence of peace that can be had when one occupies the mind with the simplicity of eternity: contentment in heavenly splendor that makes all of the passing riches and short-lived satisfactions irrelevant.

The mindfulness of the unforgiven past, the complicated present and the near-term foreseeable future are sources of disturbance.  It is in the simplicity of silence that an eternity in Heaven can be imagined and it is from this heavenly perspective that reduces to irrelevance all the matters that disquiets the mind, weakens the body and depresses the spirit.  When all that troubles is reduced to insignificance is when everything is simple once more, as it was in the Garden of Eden before the Serpent appeared and spoke, and in this simplicity, one may have silence.

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