Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Who Is A Disciple - A Footnote

Jesus said, "'If any one comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.'" [1]

Quoting Julie Coleman, in part, without hyperlinks [2]:

In Mark 7, [H]e criticized the Pharisees for not honoring their father and mother. (They were refusing to give their parents financial support, claiming the funds they would have used were already given to God.)

Jesus didn’t hate his own mother. As he hung on the cross, some of his last few words were spoken in concern for her. “Woman, behold your son!” he gasped. Then he turned and told John, “Behold, your mother!” Even in the throes of death, he was caring for Mary.

Was Jesus contradicting himself with this statement on family in Luke 14?

Julie Coleman concluded [3]:

Jesus was not calling his disciples to abandon their families. He was calling them to distance themselves from the cultural value placed on their family network and choose instead to identify with Him. According to God, our identity is in Christ alone. It frames our lives and defines what our perspective should be on the rest.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops also points to other passages in the Bible in its footnote:  "[14:26] Hating his father…: cf. the similar saying in Mt 10:37. The disciple’s family must take second place to the absolute dedication involved in following Jesus (see also Lk 9:59–62)." [5]

These passages are consistent with the two most important commandments, to love God first, and then to love neighbor. [4]  Furthermore, as much as one ought to love one's parents, spouse, siblings and relatives, one must realize that none of them is sinless and perfect.  Perhaps Christ was asking all his disciples to hate not the person, be it one's father, mother, wife, child, brother, sister or even oneself, but the sins.  In other words, one cannot love one's own sins and sins of another and love God and be a disciple of Christ at the same time.

[2], quoted without hyperlink.
[4], 36-40
[5], at * [14:26]

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