Tuesday, November 14, 2017

When God Communicates

No two people are alike.  Even identical twins are not identical in every way [1], each with separate personalities [2].  Whether such differences are attributed to genetics or the environment are not the subject of this entry.  This entry postulates that people are not products of robotic assembly lines, that no two are made exactly the same way.  Therefore, when God communicaes, God communicates to each individual in a unique way.  The message could be similar but the delivery could vary in content, in intensity, in timing and in degrees of miraculousness.

A communication can sometimes be direct and clear with no room for interpretation.  Other times, it is not so clear which can make life difficult.  It can also be a series of divinely timed signs that skeptics would consider as earthly coincidences.

There is no statistics on how often God communicates, to whom it is directed and if any such communication is necessarily from God and not from Satan pretending to be God.  One will know for certain at death if one had in one's life been a minion of Satan because one's soul will be spending an eternity with Satan.  Perhaps, one can foresee where one could be headed if an action that one has taken has led to suffering and death of others.

One's choice of action has consequences, in life and in eternity.  The plan God has is seldom an easy path to take.  It challenges the individual physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.  The easy paths are presented by Satan, and they are paved with self-interests, greed and pride, food that feed the feeble souls.

In the battle for souls, God does not remain silent, yet only in silence does one hear the voice of God.  Satan, on the other hand, speaks through layers upon layers of temptations, capitalizing upon the weaknesses of the individual, in the midst of noises, secular, social and political, through states of mind that are confused, drugged and inebriated to some degree by the forces of evil.

No matter how convincingly Satan presents one with options, the choice belongs to the individual, to help carry the cross of Christ as much as one is able to, or put the cross back on Christ, sit down and simply watch.

[1] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/identical-twins-genes-are-not-identical/
[2] https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-do-identical-twins-develop-different-personalities-497857032

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