Thursday, November 23, 2017

From Pure Love's Perspective

Christ wants all to love but in order to love, one's perspective has to born out of love in one's heart and not emerge from the intellect and desires that resides in one's mind.  In this day and age, and perhaps in any age from the time of Adam and Eve, one seldom, if ever, looks into one's heart for guidance.  Had Eve looked into her heart when tempted by the Serpent in so many imaginable ways, asking how much God loved her and how much she loved God Who created her, rather than allowing her intellect and desires to make the wrong choice, her and Adam's descendants might still be in the Garden of Eden, living lives without suffering and without death.

The consequence of the error is not reversible by man.  Death is a certainty for all in the past and present ages.  Except for the Blessed Virgin Mary Who is the Immaculate Conception, Who was assumed into Heaven, every single human who has been born from a long line of mothers has been stained with Eve's Sin.  This stain can be diminished by making reparations that include love of God (repelling the forces of Satan), obedience through humility (negating pride, envy and greed) and love without judgment and expectation (fostering magnanimity, kindness, self-sacrifice and chastity).

In making these reparations, the focus is never upon the self.  If one's self interest is in any way served, or if one receives any kind of benefit, even indirectly, then one may as well not waste time trying to make reparations, because they would be meaningless.  This may sound harsh, but nobody has yet made the claim that being close to Heaven while on earth is easy--not even Christ Who became man (God-man) Who did not have any reparation to make but Who by His suffering and death had taught man how to make reparations had an easy time over the course of His worldly journey that led Him back to Heaven where "[He] is seated at the right hand of God." [2]

"Think of what is above, not of what is on earth." [3]  Think from pure love's perspective, not from a mind tainted by avarice, lust and pride.

Is this standard of holiness even reachable by a sinner who most likely is bound to fail at some point to some degree?  Should one even try to get close to Heaven while on earth?  The answer has to be "yes," and try again one must, repeatedly and in succession, each time after making a contrite and sincere prayerful confession before God (all the while mindful of God's love and one's love for God), for to sin is man's tendency whereas to forgive and to love is God's nature.

Perhaps reading Psalm 51 would help [4]:

Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love;
in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.
Thoroughly wash away my guilt;
and from my sin cleanse me.

For I know my transgressions;
my sin is always before me.

Against you, you alone have I sinned;
I have done what is evil in your eyes
So that you are just in your word,
and without reproach in your judgment.

Behold, I was born in guilt,
in sin my mother conceived me.

Behold, you desire true sincerity;
and secretly you teach me wisdom.

Cleanse me with hyssop, that I may be pure;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

You will let me hear gladness and joy;
the bones you have crushed will rejoice.

Turn away your face from my sins;
blot out all my iniquities.

A clean heart create for me, God;
renew within me a steadfast spirit.

Do not drive me from before your face,
nor take from me your holy spirit.

Restore to me the gladness of your salvation;
uphold me with a willing spirit.

I will teach the wicked your ways,
that sinners may return to you.

Rescue me from violent bloodshed, God, my saving God,
and my tongue will sing joyfully of your justice.

Lord, you will open my lips;
and my mouth will proclaim your praise.

For you do not desire sacrifice or I would give it;
a burnt offering you would not accept.

My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;
a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.

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