Saturday, November 4, 2017

On Climate Change - Words Spoken By A Former Jesuit Seminarian

Jerry Brown, Governor of California, "was studying to become a Jesuit priest as a young man. 'It was withdrawal, it was speaking in Latin, it was silence,' Brown says of those three and a half years, 'a totally different world.'" [1]  "[H]e entered the Jesuit seminary in the 1950s before the Second Vatican Council. He spoke Latin, meditated, underwent self-discipline, mortified himself." [2]  "'We tried real hard, and I can tell I did not achieve perfection. I was not transformed. In fact some of my bad habits, which I will not reveal, are the same as they were … when I came into Jesuit seminary when Pius XII was pope.'" [3]

In an article entitled World needs ‘brain washing’ on climate change, Jerry Brown says at Vatican  published by The Sacramento Bee  on November 4, 2017, Christopher Cadelago reported that "Gov. Jerry Brown challenged the world’s religious leaders to further engage as he minimized the negative effects of President Donald Trump on meeting the climate-change challenge." [4]  Quoting further from the article, Gov. Jerry Brown said [5]:

“The Trump factor is very small, very small indeed,” in comparison to the commitments taking place around the world, Brown said to a burst of applause Saturday at an event organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. “That’s nothing to cheer about, because if it was only Trump that was a problem, we’d have it solved. But that’s not our only problem.

“The problem … is us. It’s our whole way of life. It’s our comfort … It’s the greed. It’s the indulgence. It’s the pattern. And it’s the inertia.”

Brown, who arrived Friday for nearly two weeks of climate talks across Europe, said the path to transformational change must include the mass mobilization of the religious and theological sphere, but also the prophetic sphere.

“The power here is prophecy. The power here is faith, and that’s what this organization is supposed to be about. So, let’s be about it and combine with the technical and the scientific and the political.”

To slow the devastation of climate change, society cannot rely only on science and technology and must begin to accept the need for more transformational approaches, Brown said.

Brown acknowledged that achieving transformation will not be easy, citing his recent visit to the Eastern Economic Forum in Russia, where world leaders gathered for discussions about trade with scant mention of climate effects.

“At the highest circles, people still don’t get it,” he said. “It’s not just a light rinse” that’s required. “We need a total, I might say ‘brain washing.’

“We need to wash our brains out and see a very different kind of world.”

How to mobilize the "prophetic sphere" to enable a transformational change is unclear and how different a kind of world one needs to see after "brain washing" is also unclear.

Could it be that the world that one needs to see is the world after the Apocalypse, the complete destruction of the present and recreation of the next?  And could the mobilization of the "prophetic sphere" mean bringing to man's consciousness the very real events described in the Book of Revelation, so that man would make the necessary transformational changes, returning this earth to the original condition that it was in when it was given to Adam and Eve (in other words, doing God's work) if it is not already too late so that the Apocalypse would not have to come to pass since God's work would already have been done by man himself?

Even if climate can be transformed, the will of man to engage in wars is not likely to change without constant prayer.  Based on what religious leaders do today, it is not incessant prayer that they are engaged in; it is a mix of money, power and politics that occupy their time and interest which displeases God.  Thus, as of now, the prophesies in the Book of Revelation are continuing to be fulfilled.

[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.

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