Monday, May 8, 2017

How The World Could End

The many ways the world could end can be found by a Google search. They range from global warming to incurable viruses, from killer robots to super volcanic eruptions to global warfare. [1], [2], [3]  Of all of the ways, the most likely is probably going to be a combined result of man's own doings, as opposed to an act solely of Mother Nature.

Man can destroy himself because Eve and Adam had eaten the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.  This knowledge allows man to know not only good and evil but also do good and evil, and it is doing evil things that interests him, for evil is incentivized by pride and greed whereas true charity requires self-sacrifice, and self-sacrifice is not a virtue in a world dominated by Satanic values.

Satanic values that man has adopted include power and wealth without regard for the sanctity of life of others, yet at the same time he treasures his own.  Unlike Christ, man is timid and he fears.  He compensates for his lack of interior strength by amassing weapons and he overcomes his fears by killing selectively, striking pre-emptively the weak but not the strong, for he fears the retaliation by the strong and therefore recoils at the thought of casting the first stone. Such cowardliness has been demonstrated time and again on the world stage by those with ostensible strength but without intestinal fortitude.

Thoughts and acts of malevolence also take place within academia and research laboratories.  The magazine Discover  listed biotech disaster as one of the "20 Ways the World Could End" which is also the article's title.  It said, "[a]ltered microbes might prove to be unexpectedly difficult to control. Scariest of all is the possibility of the deliberate misuse of biotechnology," [4] as did Stephen Hawking who "warn[ed] that genetically engineered viruses could wipe out entire populations." [5]  In fact, "researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison created a life-threatening virus that closely resembled the 1918 Spanish flu, [and] many disease experts were appalled," [6] so much so that "Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, said: 'It’s madness, folly. If society, the intelligent layperson, understood what was going on, they would say, "What the F are you doing?"'" [7]  The culprit was "Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison [who had] genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to 'escape' the control of the immune system’s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence." [8]

Certainly, the Serpent's work is not yet completed.  It enticed woman and man with knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Since then, it has continued to tempt their descendants to use that knowledge to their own demise.  Kawaoka's sinister work is just one example.  There are countless others.  The Serpent will work ceaselessly until man whom Satan despises ruins himself.

Man needs to save himself but first he has to be strong and not succumb to Satan's empty promises; he also needs to be strong enough to humble himself before God and pray that he be delivered from Evil.  But is it already too late for man to save his world?  Of course not, for everything is possible with God.  That does not mean, however, that the world will not end by man misusing his knowledge and abusing his environment and power, turning it into a bomb that could at some point explode.

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