Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Catholic Church -- Going In the Wrong Direction

If Christ can be imagined in the shape of an isosceles triangle, the base would be at the bottom and the apex at the top.  His incarnated life began in a stable.  From there, He continued His gradual ascent to Heaven, with God on His Mind, on His Lips and in His Heart, through His trials and tribulations, until His ascension.

In contrast, the Catholic Church that is being run presently takes the shape of Christ's triangle but the direction in which it travels is from the apex down.  The way it thinks begins with God, the very top, the ideal, quoting the words of God, then somewhere in the middle of it, it begins its downward slide, toward everything worldly, everything secular, everything materialistic, everything Satan owns and gives disguised as charity, as holiness dissipates into obscurity, at the same time its mind thirsts of greed and power, its lips speak of selfish rights but it shows no selfless sacrifice and its heart desires unspeakable decadence.

When the layers of hypocrisy are being peeled off, it seems to always come down to money, resources and influence: money and resources for the Church first; with what that is left, the Church wants to buy influence.  God and prayers seem to be an afterthought, if they are even thought of at all.  Evangelization appears to be a marketing concept by which the Catholic Church sells its influence, providing goodies to those who have little, because it does not know how to evangelize to those who are self-sufficient but Godless, for there is nothing this Church could give them in exchange for its influence over them.

Secularization is prevailing and evangelization is only a side show in western world and non-existent in the lands upon which Christ, His disciples and other early followers have walked.  In this sense, the Catholic Church has failed.  A Vatican that is trying to modernize, to speak the prevailing politically-popular language, to forsake the strict teachings of Christ in an attempt to keep and expand its flock is to continue on its path of failure to its final demise.

The path of Christ is not an easy one.  It certainly is not opulent, like the Vatican, nor is it popular nor political, like Bergolio and his minions.  It is actually simple, requiring man to be truly humble, yet kind, strong and resolute in his humility, not broken in order that man can feed others for man is not is not the Bread of Life that is Christ. [1], [2]

Man is not to be elevated to the position of Christ, no matter what he does.  Not even Francesco d'Assisi, as broken as he was, saw himself as Christ, but only as a servant of Christ.

The saintly Francesco walked the walk whereas the politically-deft one in the Vatican just talks and talks.  The saint served God.  What entity this pope in the end is really serving remains to be seen.  He once spoke of "'therapy of hope'" [3], whatever that means, as if psychology or psychiatry is involved, but not once did he mention praying the rosary and the miracles and graces that flow from it.

Although Bergolio's words refer sometimes to God, setting the ideal for man to aspire to in order that he could be spiritually lifted to Heaven, Bergolio nevertheless tends to enjoy returning to the base (of his triangle) where he seems most comfortable, a receptacle for politics, secularism and everything worldly (unholy) and Satan-owned.

In this entry, the triangle's base is not a comfortable place, despite it not being necessarily unholy.  It is not the base that is the problem, it is the direction in which one travels that makes all the difference in one's life.  One can be like Christ and go up to Heaven, or be against Christ and go in the other direction.

[3] Ibid.

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