Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bergolio's Vatican Hell

The title of this entry is provocative to say the least, but in this blogger's opinion, it cannot be far from the truth (with a small "t") which can be defective and correctable as opposed to God's Truth (with a capital "T") which is perfect and unchangeable.

An article in the blaze  dated May 11, 2017, written by Dave Urbanski entitled  Some Catholic saints ‘were probably gay,’ controversial Vatican consultant says  is quoted in part below [1]:

Father James Martin — a Jesuit priest appointed last month by Pope Francis as a consultant to the Vatican’s secretariat for communications — said some saints “were probably gay.” 

In late February, Martin said transgender people should be free to “use whatever bathrooms they choose” because they have to “endure so many indignities already.”

This blogger is not challenging the statement that "some saints 'were probably gay.'" [2]  That may or may not be true but does it matter?  True saints, i.e., God's saints, are chosen to do God's work irrespective of one's identity.  Holiness does not discriminate on the basis of gender, economic status, sexual orientation or even religious beliefs, for holiness is burned into the heart and into the mind, and not found in one's sexual interests which holiness moots.

To change the focus from a saint's unadulterated holiness to a saint's sexual orientation is Satanic.  Only Satan's minions would purposefully deflect one's attention from the purity of God and direct it to something sexual and potentially sinister.  There cannot be a wholesome purpose for having made such a statement other than the unintended consequence which is a showing of the creature's Satanically defiled thoughts.  Bergolio's Vatican is arguably full of such characters whose thoughts had been Satanically influenced, possibly including Bergolio himself.

For Bergolio's appointed creature to also say that "transgender people should be free to 'use whatever bathrooms they choose' because they have to 'endure so many indignities already'"[3]  is to invite rapists and perhaps even killers to pose as transgender people to rape and perhaps even kill women in their bathrooms.  Had this possibility ever crossed this creature's Satanic mind?  Should potential victims be put at risk because of individuals have endured "'many indignities already'" [4]?  Should this creature answer for all such crimes so committed for as long as he lives?  Should his supporters feel guilty should such a crime take place as hypothesized?

They probably ought to but the possibility exists that they would not for they rarely consider themselves to be wrong, if ever, because they usually consider themselves to be vastly superior to the rest, intellectually, morally, ethically and righteously, especially those with whom they disagree, and that just may include God, the Son of God and the Mother of God.

One day, they, like everyone else, will meet their Maker, and perhaps for the first time they will experience the deep pains of humility, and perhaps they will point to the mercy Bergolio had so often talked about, a brand of mercy that this blogger believes to be political, hypocritical and ineffective in front of God's Truth, with a capital "T".

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.

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