Monday, May 8, 2017

God And Science

"Brother Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit who directs the Vatican Observatory," [1] said "We must believe in a God [W]ho is supernatural." [2]  He continued to say that God is responsible for man's existence and science proves how it is done. [3]  He then quipped, "'Stephen Hawking said that he can explain God as a fluctuation in the primordial gravity field, [and] [i]f you buy that, it means God is gravity…maybe that's why Catholics celebrate Mass!'"  This blogger would have enjoyed seeing Stephen Hawking chuckle at Brother Guy's remark, assuming that Stephen Hawking had heard it and thought it was funny.

How can any person not believe in Creation?  With all the major advances in the fields of science, nobody is able to create man from scratch.  Until man is able to create man (not by procreation), man has to believe in a Creator, Who is God.

Man ought to be in awe every moment of his life by the very life that he has, be amazed at the many things he is able to do and the many things that are done for him (biologically) without conscious thought, and by his uniqueness.  For example, every fingerprint is different, every one is a work of art and every single one is beautiful, in the same way every being is a work of God, and everyone is beautiful, and everyone is loved by God.

Yet some scientists are so prideful, thinking that science is independent of God, that God and science are mutually exclusive, except that without intellect that is a gift from God, there would be no study of science, and thinking that science is so logical that they have assumed that logic is necessarily built into the universe, except that a logically functioning universe cannot be a product of randomness (the result of some silly big bang somewhere) for randomness, by its very nature, is illogical and unpredictable. Without predictability, there can be no science and without science there can be no scientist, God-believing or not.

Instead of self-adoration, scientists ought to adore God for all the magnificence God has put together, and instead of using science to develop weapons of all kinds that can destroy mankind and the world, scientists ought to celebrate God's awesomeness in their scientific discoveries, to advance civilization, rather than to destroy it, to restore the environment, rather than to agitate it, to guarantee each child born a sense of safety and peace, rather than constant worry and stress, to give each life its satisfaction and fullness that God has intended for man to have, rather than an inescapable and unfulfillable void.

Indeed science can do all of that for the earth has all the elements that the Garden of Eden had.  The Garden of Eden was perfect in the way that earth can be perfect, just as God's Will can be done on earth and it is in Heaven.  Only then can there be peace, in the world and in one's heart.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.

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