Monday, May 29, 2017

Chapel Vandalized In Hyderabad, India

"Hyderabad is the capital of southern India's Telangana state. A major center for the technology industry, it's home to many upscale restaurants and shops." [1]  "A city rich with history and tradition, Hyderabad now competes with Bangalore and Chennai for the crown of India's IT capital; Microsoft and Google have their India headquarters here." [2]

Against this modern backdrop, "a crowd of about 100 people vandalised a Catholic chapel in Hyderabad," as reported by Independent Catholic News  in an article dated May 30, 2017, [Indian time] entitled India: Bishops protest after mob attacks chapel. [3]  The article continued to state, quoted in part [4]:

Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of India (CBCI) said: "It is clear that Hindu fundamentalists and anti-social elements were responsible for the shameful act on May 21, 2017, when a crowd of about 100 people attacked and devastated the prayer room of Fatima in the Archdiocese of Hyderabad."

The Minister of Interior of the State of Telengana, has promised a serious investigation to seek and punish the perpetrators of the crime[, even though to forgive is divine.]

Archbishop Thumma Bala has invited clergy, religious and faithful of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad to organize and promote spiritual activities, including Adoration, Holy Mass and Prayer meetings as "restoration" for the desecration of the statues and the building.

Solemn Eucharistic Adoration and Mass celebrated by the Archbishop will be held on May 30, while on June 2 all the churches and chapels of the area will organize a two-hour Eucharistic Adoration. The following day a special Rosary will be recited in all the parish churches of the Archdiocese. Finally on June 9 there will be a special fasting for clergy, religious and faithful.

The activities that have been schedule for the reparation for damaged caused would probably make the Blessed Virgin Mary very happy, but probably not perfectly happy (for She is, after all, the Intercessor for sinners)  because what seem to be missing are statements by the Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas and Archbishop Thumma Bala asking the Catholic community to forgive the trespassers, however ill-advised was their act of vandalism, and scheduling activities that will bring different communities together for people to become familiar with one another, to better understand each other and to work together toward a community of peace through mutual cooperation.

Protesting by the bishops out of anger does not help, even though it is human nature to be angry.  This blogger would also be angry should the event occur at a place near him, where he goes to pray.  He would likely think and say bad things in private that ought be confessed, but then he would eventually calm down and tell himself that things tend to happen for a reason, perhaps to highlight the hypocrisy of Catholic love and universality, or perhaps to bring diverse communities together based on the unstated understanding that all are children of God.

Would it not be better for the world's Catholic community to spend its resources to bring people together as a family, whether or not they are Catholic, and celebrate life that is God's gift to all, than to talk about the problems after they arise?

When Bergolio asked, "'Often and again I ask myself, "Why do children suffer?", and I don’t find any explanation. I only look at the crucifix and stand still there.'" [5]  From these words, this blogger extrapolates that Bergolio seldom hears from God even though he is in the Vatican, which is supposedly the house of God even though it has turned into an unholy place of politics and corruption.

Perhaps the answer that Bergolio is looking for is in his mirror, who he is, pope of the Catholic church, who can do more, much more, to help strengthen the family unit and bring all people together by being a pillar of holiness himself, being the dirty and smelly shepherd among his sheep that he had preached about often in the past but no longer (perhaps he has finally awoken to his and his minions' hypocrisies), by walking among the neighborhoods, for example, the slums, the refugee camps and the homeless encampments, residents of which he talks much about but pays token attention to in person, if that much, and of course, by praying incessantly rather than spending time playing internal and world politics that he so enjoys and in which he excels, so much so that he was able to clinch the prize as Peter's successor in the last conclave.

Perhaps Bergolio should finally do his job, by being a true disciple of Christ, and walk in His footsteps rather than being clothed, fed and housed like a ruling member of the Sadducees [6].  Perhaps, then, could Catholics find peace in their existence, in India, Iraq, Libya, Syria and elsewhere around the world.

[4] Ibid.
[5], 5th paragraph from the bottom.

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