Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Ultimate Dilemma: Free Will Or No Free Will For Man

As if I have no fear of Hell, I will step into the shoes of my Creator and take on what I believe to be the ultimate dilemma in the creation of man: whether to make him infallible by confining his choices to those that are good or to make him perfect by allowing him the Free Will to choose good over evil every time.  If faced with that decision, I would not be able make up my mind by the sixth day and rest on the seventh.  As a result, no Adam will ever be made, and the Serpent will forever be coiled around the Tree of Knowledge, motionless and bored, waiting and waiting until it is ossified [1].

But if I must make a decision as man's creator, I will take away man's Free Will and make him infallible since it would be better to be for him to be truly holy than to let him become Satan' prey and be truly sinful.

If man cannot excercise his Free Will, can he be "truly holy"?  I think not.  If man is programmed to be holy, he becomes a human robot of the creator.  A human robot cannot be truly holy even though he does everything in accordance with the teachings of Christ since true holiness requires the conscious rejection of all of Satan's temptations.

What is so wrong with having human robots that are not truly holy?  At least they would not destroy the world and themselves and suffer the consequences of their sins.  That is true and therein lies the ultimate dilemma: I, as creator, would insist on taking away man's Free Will because man simply cannot handle the gift and  the corresponding responsibilities of Free Will.  But I, as man, enjoy my Free Will, and am paying for it with the consequences my sins.  I would not have it any other way.  Thus I, as man, am in disagreement with myself, as creator of man.

I am glad that I am not my own creator, that God is my Creator, that I was created in God's image, that I have the same Free Will as God does.  Like the Son of God, I am able to reject all of Satan's temptations, but I have chosen not to. With the Free Will [2] that I have been given, I have the sole power to accept and have accepted Satan's offers.  There is no excuse for my continual failings, but there is a merciful and loving God Who forgives those who seek forgiveness, Who loves those who love the Son of God and the Mother of God.

[1] Bored stiff, literally.
[2] Free Will is not to be blamed for man's sins.  Free Will is perfect; man is not.  Man is perfect with Free Will but he is also fallible with it.  To be like Christ, man must grow up and become strong like the humble Jesus, to refuse Satan's enticements and submit freely to the Hope of the Creator which is for man to reject evil and return to good, and return to the Serpent all kinds of appealing Apples that are being continuously offered, untouched  and uneaten.

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