Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Blind Atheist

There is not just a blind atheist or two.  In fact, all atheists are blind because they do not see God.

Atheists maintain that God does not exist because God's existence cannot be proven scientifically.  In fact, existence itself cannot be proven scientifically.  To prove that something exists, one must first prove the existence of a three-dimensional  ("3-D") universe.  The question to ask is how can something or someone, like an atheist, exist in such a universe when its existence is in doubt?

Assuming there is proof that such a 3-D universe exists, there is also proof that it does not [1], [2], at least not in its three-dimensional form.  The opposite conclusions cancel each other out which means that nobody can prove if a 3-D universe exists or not.  Without definitive and uncontroverted proof that a three-dimensional universe exists, the existence of whatever that is contained in it cannot be proven either.

Since atheists cannot prove beyond a doubt that their universe exists in three dimensions, they therefore cannot prove their own existence in it and as such, they have no standing to comment on God's existence.

Those who believe that God created the universe but who ask not for scientific proof can postulate that God's existence does not depend on the existence of the universe. In addition, they can argue that even if God's existence cannot be ascertained scientifically, it does not mean that God's non-existence is a scientific fact.  Accordingly, when an atheist states that God does not exist, he is stating a belief, not a fact.

Atheists also maintain that if there is a God, the world would not have pain and suffering, but because there is pain and suffering, there is no God.  They are partly right.  A place with only pain and suffering is called Hell,   In Hell, there is no God.

Indeed, the world has its share of pain and suffering [3], a result of Sin, but it also has love and joy to counterbalance pain and suffering.  Since love and joy come from God, God therefore exists.

There are many more arguments [4], some relying on unstated assumptions and others on the straw man approach [5], that atheists make to prove the non-existence of God.  It is not necessary to address them all, for atheists have the same gift from God as believers in God do: Free Will.  With it, atheists can choose freely to criticize God, reject God's existence and ignore the presence of evil, thereby tacitly allowing Satan to reign over them, to reduce God to nothingness and shut their eyes on the Truth.

[3] Natural disasters are also a result of Sin.  In the Garden of Eden, before the fall of Adam and Eve, there were no natural disasters, no pain, no suffering and no death.
[5] The straw man approach: see

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