Thursday, April 2, 2015

Holy Thursday Thought: The Unholy Religious

About a couple of millennia ago in the upper room the twelve disciples of Jesus had their Last Supper with the Lord who washed their feet.  Fast forward to today, an upper room tucked away from the masses is usually reserved for VIPs with money and status.  The privileged with their perks are a stark contrast to Christ and His humble existence but that is to be expected for there are not many true followers of Christ in the world.  What is not to be expected are the professed followers of Christ being more unholy than holy, who seem to be consumed more by the economics and politics of daily life than the spirituality of eternal life.

On the final Thursday of Jesus' life, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, a practice carried on by Catholic priests today, some of whom seem to have reduced the distribution of the Holy Communion to mere mechanics, a simple exercise of their motor and verbal skills without the depth of care, meaning and solemnity due the body of Christ, which turned out to be heart muscle in Lanciano, Italy [1].


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