Friday, April 24, 2015

Bridge Building

About 19 months ago, on September 19, 2013, the Good Lord delivered to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, a then 54 year old young-looking, intelligent, charming and what I believe to be a spiritually blessed bishop, one of God's beloved sons, Frank Joseph Caggiano [1].  I recall watching the Bishop's installation on EWTN and was impressed by his homily on Youtube beginning at approximately 2:00:40 on building spiritual bridges.  It was down-to-earth, humorous and edifying. Today, I was compelled to listen to his words again [2] and like to take this opportunity to introduce to the few readers of this blog who may not yet have heard of him.

This year, Bishop Frank Caggiano's Saturday Vigil homily on April 4, 2015, the evening before Christ's Resurrection, delivered without notes was passionate, inclusive and spiritually arousing [3]. The recording is difficult to hear due to too much echo inside the chapel, but it is still worth struggling through, trying to understand as much as possible despite the poor sound. [4]

[2] The homily begins at approximately 2:00:40.
[3]  Bishop Frank Caggiano's Holy Thursday's homily on April 2, 2015, like his Saturday Vigil homily two days later, was just as memorable.  See
[4] I thought about possibly trying to transcribe the Bishop's Saturday Vigil homily but decided that words in print would never have the effect of those delivered with the earnestness and passion of Bishop Frank Caggiano.  Therefore, it is probably better to leave alone something beautifully imperfect than to change it into something boringly plain.

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