Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Pains Of Existence

No life is perfect.  It does not matter how talented, intelligent, successful, beautiful, powerful and wealthy one is for talent is subject to misuse, intellect is subject to manipulation, success is subject to volatility, beauty is subject to inconsistency, power is subject to politics and wealth is subject to meaninglessness.  The value of each of these supposed life assets is conditioned upon the unpredictability of vigor, the certainty of aging and the inevitability of mortality of the body, all of which are a result of the Serpent's temptation, for prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, life was without illness, old age and death.  Everyone therefore has to live with what cannot be changed, and what cannot be changed are the works of man in conjunction with Satan whose goal is to continue ruining lives God has made.

Not every life is equal.  Even if life is restricted by economics, logistics and opportunity, limited to mediocrity and mundanity and filled with pains and disappointments, challenges and loneliness, one still has the capacity to love. What is equal in life is the Free Will to choose good over evil, to be forever grateful for an existence in the flesh.

It is not recommended to bemoan one's existence, to be tired of life, to take it for granted, to be reckless with it, to look forward to death, no matter how difficult or painful life might be [1], even if death leads to eternal life, even if the passage from the known to the unknown, or the largely unknown, is not feared, for wishing insistently for death is to hasten its arrival.  When the angel of death arrives, it is to end a life.  It is not about to be shooed away to return another day should one's mind change from wanting to die to continue living.  Thus, be very  careful with what is wished for.

Suicide, assisted suicide [2] or reckless living such as overdosing on drugs is a waste of life, a rejection of God's gift and a wish-come-true for Satan.  The souls that had left the gift of flesh in any such manner are hopefully in Purgatory awaiting Heaven and not in Hell.  Since Hell is unimaginably more painful than the most painful earthly existence, that is why Our Lady of Fatima had revealed to all the Prayer of Fatima, "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins.  Save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy" [3].  It is to be recited at the end of every decade of the Holy Rosary after the Glory Be prayer [4].

[1] Praying humbly for the forgiveness of God, the healing of Christ and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary always ease the burdens of pain and lifts the spirit.
[2] Proponents of suicides and assisted suicides do not believe in God.  They think that their lives are theirs alone and have nothing to do with God when God is the One Who unites spirit with flesh to give life.  Because God is the One Who has the sole authority over life, God retains the sole authority over death.  To take away God's authority over death is to surrender the most important part of one's existence to Satan: one's eternity.
[4] Whether the Fatima Prayer precedes or follows the Glory Be prayer should not matter so long as it is included as part of the Holy Rosary.

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