Saturday, January 10, 2015

No Bigger Evil

Evil is all encompassing.  It is a continuous web spun perfectly. When unraveled, the web's thread forms a complete and unbroken circle.  Therefore, there is no bigger evil, and any act, however well-rationalized, that causes directly or indirectly an evil act is evil.  Evil does not discriminate among its own origins or variations; every origin and variation of evil is evil.

Based on this theory, one can identify the most heinous crimes of the present day and find their origins.  Even the extremist group ISIL has its origins.  Arguments can be had as to what or who caused it to come into existence, but such arguments are a waste of time for man is blinded by his sins to see his own faults.  Until man recognizes and admits to his own wickedness, he is unable to see Evil clearly and remains arrogantly self-righteous, thinking that he is on the side of good when he is doing the work of Satan.

Since man is inherently sinful, Evil is here to stay but true to Its nature, It does not force itself upon man.  Man has to choose one of the many tantalizing avenues that lures him. Greed for power is perhaps the most dangerous, for Satan wants to extract much in return since much will be given. This was evident in Satan's third temptation, giving Christ power over all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for the Son of God to reject the Father, to bow and worship the Enemy. [1]

Unlike Christ Who rejected Satan's offers, man has continued to embrace them, big and small by man's imperfect judgment and classification.  Man, without prayer, confession and the grace of God, is unable to resist the temptations that surround him.  Whenever he fails in his resistance, he himself becomes the merchant of evil, the slave of Satan and the very evil that is indistinguishable from and joined seamlessly to all other kinds of evil that Satan owns. [2]

[2] Evil can be diminished and ultimately defeated, if only man has the consistent strength to resist the splendor of Satan's offers, tailored to take advantage of each man's individual weaknesses in order to ruin his soul for an eternity. Rejection of Satan is an affirmation of God's existence and permits all the good to flow from the Father through the Son and the presentation of the Son's Sacred Heart to man by the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God.

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