Sunday, January 11, 2015

Anti-abortion Events--2015

From Washington D.C [1]. to San Francisco [2], [3], pro-lifers in the United States are getting ready for events later this month.  While I am in favor of life, I think that intervention at the stage of abortion is not enough.  By the time a woman is headed to the abortion clinic, her body has already changed, no longer the virgin she once was.  Is it not just as important to have events that advocate one's virginity before marriage?  Is abstention no longer a virtue, a behavioral norm in today's society? Whatever happened to procreation borne out of a loving marriage, or is sexual intercourse purely recreational and pregnancy merely an accident to be aborted?  Indeed, whatever happened to love at its purest and simplest, for oneself and one's own body, between a man and a woman, between a mother and the infant in her womb and a father and his expectant child? [4]

[4] Where the number of children is restricted by law, and where society places a premium on boys over girls, abortion and infanticide happen all too frequently.  Love becomes secondary and life becomes two-dimensional revolving around physical existence and material possessions.  What possibly could be lacking are a sense of wonder about ethereal things that cannot be monetized and traded and a yearning for absolute fulfillment that only the Holy Spirit, part of the Holy Trinity, can deliver.  A person without wonderment and a desire for complete fulfillment has a spirit that has no depth and possibly no future.  A futureless spirit is detachable from the body and a spiritless body has no meaning.  When a being is merely a group of cells that ceases to function at some point, it is without salvific value.

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