Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Boy With Gun

I almost attached a photograph showing a young boy with a gun prepared to shoot two captives.  On second thought, this blog does not need to show evil in action, although a link to the article is provided [1], reluctantly.

How can innocence be taken away so early in a child's life? Should anyone be surprised?  Take a look at the latest laser guided rifles [2], [3], [4].  What boy does not want to own one to show off what it can do?

How evil are the merchants of death!  Just how far will they go to satiate their avarice?  How barbaric are the societies that allow them to profit!  How truly sinful is man!

Is there a cure?  Not for the slaves of Satan.  Is there a place to which people who are not Satan's slaves can escape to follow Christ?  No.  Even Christ lived among the barbarians in His time.  He was here specifically to be with the sinners, to save them from damnation but toward damnation mankind continues to march, led by those chosen ones who broke their covenant with God and who rejected the new covenant offered by the Son of God and plotted His crucifixion.

For all the wrongs the Jews have committed, I think its present leader has done one thing right recently: he had asked the French Jews to leave France for Israel. [5]  In fact, I think he is so right that he should ask all the non-Christian European, North American, South American, Australian, African, Asian and Antarctican Jews, as well as those floating on any of the world's five oceans to return to Israel and then draw the battle lines between them and the Arabs so that the end can officially begin!


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