Monday, January 5, 2015


For someone who had never found the need to go to confession, it is now a common occurrence. Confession cleanses the soul and makes it new again.  A clean, new soul is light and floats toward Heaven.  In its path are constant and repetitive temptations.  A soul that has fallen into temptations disturbs the mind, troubles the heart, depresses the spirit and manifests itself in the form of confusion, stress, impatience, frustration and anger [1], leading to the loss of focus, injured relationships and failures small and large, gradual and sudden, apparent and inconspicuous.

No doctor will prescribe confession as an antidote for an illness, physical or psychological, even though people will be healthier and happier overall after they perform an examination of conscience and go to confession.  They will also be closer to God and be at peace, but a majority of people live their lives without going to confession, and think that they are living their lives as if theirs is the way a life ought to be lived.  They feel that they are in charge and are content with their status quo.  I had certainly lived and felt that way.  Everything seemed fine, at least on the surface.  I was self-sufficient and proud, without being at peace [2].

A visit of inner peace, however ephemeral, is what confessions bring.  A moment of inner peace is better than none at all.  This blog is entitled Place de la Paix.  Let me just say that no amount of words generated here will bring interior peace: only words that cleanses the conscience uttered inside a confessional will.

[1] Unforgiveness, envy, bitterness, sarcasm, jealousy, condescension, pride and so on are also part of this very long list, and certain aches and pains, too.
[2] People numbed by routine, obsession, comfort, callousness, power, popularity, pretension, fame, wealth, drugs, food, alcohol and each of their derivatives often delude themselves into believing they are at peace.

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