Monday, January 12, 2015

Cost Of Pride And Avarice

It never ceases to amaze that humans gifted with such intelligence over all other creatures would label themselves as a civilization when they are in fact not civilized for underneath the shallow exterior of fashion and proper grooming, of moralism and piousness, they are all primal and barbaric like Satan.  Abusing their God-given intellect, humans of all colors and stripes have wasted an inordinate amount of natural resources and countless lives to carry out their ambitions rooted in pride and avarice in ways so ruthless that even their loved-ones and descendants will one day suffer the rippling consequences of their actions, in life and possibly in death as well.

Man's fascination to kill began with the Cain, one of the sons of Adam and Eve [1], and the technology and business of killing have continued to increase in sophistication and efficiency [2], [3], [4].  Despite requiring more ingenuity, time, dedication and resources to invent killing machines than providing food, shelter, clothing and comfort for everybody on the planet, man has chosen freely to live a difficult and ultimately a regretful life of pride, avarice and anxiousness.

Man's anxiety comes from his fear of reprisal during his lifetime but he fears not his eternal damnation.  To avoid eternal pain in Hell, man has to follow Christ Who by His miracles showed people a glimpse of eternal joy, and listen to His Blessed Immaculate Mother Mary Who by Her apparitions and counsel showed the path that leads them to Heaven.  Sadly, many do not seem to respond to an eternity of total fulfillment but instead have traded it for a temporal, albeit imperfect satisfaction that Satan offers.

Satan, being the Master of Deceit, has hidden from people the realities of Hell; It will only allow them to see the dazzling but impermanent gifts of this world, baits that lure man to what It deems to be his deserving place, one that extracts everything from his ruined soul, a place so primal and barbaric that souls battle each other in eternity without a moment of peace, a battle so intense that their once incarnated bodies could never imagine, leaving them with no hope, no forgiveness and no love.

Hell, the eternal cost of unredeemed pride and avarice, is very real and is to be feared.  It is truly amazing that humans gifted with such intelligence over all other creatures would live in denial of its existence.


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