Friday, September 26, 2014

"The Ugly Truth" -- A Fiction? explains that "[t]he 'ugly truth' is a reality that is [distasteful] or painful to accept, but because it is known to be true, one must accept it."  Since truth follows every person, albeit it is at times denied, its ugliness remains and is a reflection of man's nature which is Sin.  Sins of pride and greed are in the heart of every seeker of power.  There are no exceptions.  The benevolent dictator is a myth.

Of course, each truth has its degree of ugliness.  One may not know the truth before it happens, or even as it is happening, but it is plain for all to recognize with hindsight.  The state of the world today, with regional wars, terrorist acts and refugees on the run are evidence of extreme ugliness.  The ugliness of these events did not arise out of random and fortuitous occurrences: it is the product of certain truths that would be flatly denied by the instigators if they were ever questioned by a tribunal, but before God they will be shown the ugliness of their work that has caused all pains of conflict in the world.  These instigators are excellent organizers.  They grouped together communities of people, conspired with them and solicited accessories who received laundered money for doing their dirty work. Their goal is to dominate the world when nobody before them had been able to do.  They are cunning and calculating, insidious and ruthless megalomaniacs.  They are collectively the picture of Sin.  They are the greedy seekers of power. 

So far, they have failed, and in the process opened up a can of worms they are unable to catch and contain. Bombing is not going to work.  Look what good it did in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and now watch what good will come out of the bombing of Syria.

Who the main megalomaniac culprits behind this mess are is anybody's guess because circumstantial evidence needed to prove anything to any degree of certainty is incomplete.  To be sure, there are a lot of moving pieces spanning almost the entire globe.  However, the modus operandus at the beginning is not new.  It is based on organizing people who are the resourceless, ignorant and envious, then turning them into revolutionaries, similar to the way Mao organized his Red Guards. [1]  The big difference is Mao and the Red Guards were within the Iron Wall of China.  The revolutionary, regime-changing games the instigators started in were in relatively poor and incendiary countries around the world.

Now, they have lost control.  The world is a far more dangerous place today than just four years ago, before the Arabs had their first political "Spring Festival" accompanied by political fireworks.  Unlike the annual Chinese Spring Festival with its traditional fireworks, the Arab political "fireworks" did not ward off evil.  They were brought in by Evil and has spawned more evil.  Satan must be happy.  Its slaves around the world are all doing so well with the cancer of greed and power overtaking their God-given souls.  So sad.

I hope the unfolding ugly truth is pure fiction and so is the hurtling of humanity toward World War III.

May the Lord keep those who seek His protection be loved, and remain safe.  And may the prayers of the rosary go out to all of God's children who seek peace. Amen.


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