Thursday, September 4, 2014

Annoying Little Games

I thought I had reached a point where my life is sufficiently lived in solitude, even when I am in the midst of others, that people would know not approach me and play their little annoying games, but on occasion they do.  Some of these people can be tenacious, mistaking my kindness and courtesy for meekness.  They cannot be more wrong for I, too, am man, who wears Adam's permanent badge of Sin.  However well-concealed it might be, its ugliness is percolating just below the surface.  The rest of me is only a façade.  Those who desire a degree closeness eventually realize that I am not available to cater to their needs, seeing that I would walk away and concentrate on matters other than their advances, but some just do not get it and approach repeatedly.  Both men and women have done this.  Just recently a woman whose actions so irritated me that I lost my patience and my manners.  I conducted myself rudely to convey to her non-verbally [1] but clearly that she had lost my respect and that she did not interest me in the least.  Her boyfriend whom I have known for years is an acquaintance of mine.  A saint would most certainly have exited the situation with tact when so confronted.  I am not a saint and do not know the proper etiquette.  If anyone knows, please share your knowledge.  I am here to learn.

[1] I did not use words for words will only lead to more words, a defect that is well-proven by this blog.

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