Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Mightless Versus The Mighty

The mightless can kill because killing is cheap to do.  The killings ISIS have done are heinous and barbaric. The mighty can kill too, and they can kill more and faster in a single moment that the mightless, and they can kill with sophisticated and expensive weapons.  Such killing are no less heinous and barbaric.  The result is about the same.  People are dead, and over time, more of the same kinds of killings will be repeated and more will be dead. [1]  The never-ending war between Israel and its neighbor is a testament to this fact [2].  The growing war between ISIS with all its cells around the world and the west is not much different.

In a time like this, one would hope for a superhero, a Superman coming alive from the comics but without a double life as Clark Kent for if he did have one, he would most certainly be criticized for wasting time as a bumbling reporter and not saving every single life from every peril around the world.

The invincible human, if one exists, is by definition invincible but invincibility is nothing compared to an ability to convince the conquered to obey him.  By analogy, a powerful one who can and kills all his enemies without being killed is a weak idiot compared to a powerful one who can convince all his enemies to agree with him and do as he directs.  The most powerful, of course, is one who is determined to convince his enemies to love him and one another so he can be at peace.

That "one" of course is Jesus, the Son of God, separate and indivisible from the Father and the Holy Spirit.  He had all the power but never used it to kill.  Instead, He used it to heal.  By His love for all and His death on the cross, plus a few miracles here and there, Jesus had been able to convert people, from non-believers to believers, Jews and Gentiles alike, but not all of them.  He had enemies and He still has them today with the pretenders (hypocrites), secularists and satanists being the most offensive.

One might contend that if the most powerful is unable to subdue all his enemies, then he must not be the most powerful.  This contention was addressed in third paragraph above.  To state it another way, a subdued enemy, obviously by force, is an enemy who is constantly plotting and waiting for vengeance.  That is human nature.  An enemy that has changed his mind to love rather than kill because he is loved, his family is loved, his friends are loved will be a loyal kin.  That also is human nature.

A victor who wants to free himself from the fear of vengeance and an army of bodyguards who surrounds him and his loved ones constantly would want his enemies to be loyal kins, not ones he has to look over his shoulder constantly.

To achieve peace of mind and peace on earth is to follow Christ's lead, the only path to peace among men for the mighty as well as the mightless.

[1] The Japanese have never expressed remorse over their heinous and barbaric acts in Korea and China.  See Kirk Spitzer article in Time magazine dated December 11, 2012, at http://nation.time.com/2012/12/11/why-japan-is-still-not-sorry-enough/.  A confrontation between between Japan and China and Japan and Korea is simmering below the surface.  Both Japan and China are separately wooing India to become its ally based on economic ties (citations omitted).  Japan thinks it has the backing of the United States based on a treaty but it was signed before anyone could foresee China becoming an economic behemoth which it has and the globalization of trade that has tied United States and China together so much so that if China is slain economically, the United States and the world economies could be limping for quite some time.  Nobody in the right mind wants this to happen.  Japan, in truth, is a thankless military liability for the United States.  As both China and South Korea grow in technological advancement, productivity and output, a relatively small Japan could very well become a "has-been" even though it will remain an environmental leader in terms of food consumption by convincing the world to save energy by consuming raw protein (my favorite is hamachi).  If it is successful, the French can eliminate "gastronomie" from their dictionaries and their culture and the Chinese can throw out their woks!  Even as Japan becomes less and less significant relative to China and South Korea combined, it would be, in my opinion, well worth China and Korea to forgive Japan for its past transgressions, however brutal and inhumane, and make Japan a loyal kin rather than an enemy that is looking to attack in some form and at some time, since both new golden newcomers, China and South Korea, may lose their luster at some future point and the world's positive sentiments toward them may revert to Japan, tipping the ever so precarious scale of power back toward it.  Remember that it is humility of Christ that endears one to others while pride and arrogance of the Fallen Angel distances one from them.  Sadly, reality usually tells a different story.  Even if most successes arise from humble beginnings, pride and arrogance are often offspring of successes.  China has come full circle: it was once imperialistic, became overly arrogant to be watchful of its enemies, came under attack, became communistic and poor, and now has grown rich again, possibly but hopefully not proud and arrogant again, to remain on its not-so-merry-go-round.
[2] It is ironic that many of today's innocent non-Jews are victims of the "so-called" Jewish holocaust victims whose indiscriminate killings are no less justified than those killings during the holocaust. 

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