Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Bit Of Levity - Almost A Miracle

Below are photographs of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and UN Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio [1], [2]:

Leonardo DiCaprio's transformation from Caucasian to almost Asian is nearly miraculous.  From a distance, he looks like he could be Ban Ki-Moon's son.  DiCaprio is 39, Moon is 70, per a Google search.  Had Leonardo put on some make-up, dyed his eyebrows, lashes, beard and hair black, and worn dark brown contact lenses, he would be nearly indistinguishable if he were surrounded by a large group Asians.  Perhaps his next movie role could be  Laozi (Lau Tzu) or Kong Fuzi (Confucius).

Their wisdom, memorialized on bamboo slips more or less half a century before Christ, shows that they were not far apart from God Who made them.  Laozi said, "He who defends with love will be secure; Heaven will save him, and protect him with love."  Kong Fuzi said, "Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues."  If all Chinese, Buddhist and non-Buddhist, Christian and non-Christian, Muslim and non-Muslim, religious and non-religious alike live by these words of wisdom from their forefathers, they would be close to God.  Sadly, many do not.  Money has become their idol and greed their hobby.  Far from their minds and hearts are these other words from Laozi: "Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."  And "There is no calamity greater than lavish desires.  There is no greater guilt than discontent.  And there is no greater disaster than greed."


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