Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Running In Circles

Olympic runners, skaters and cyclists compete to see who is the fastest by going round and round.  Like the athletes, the human race also goes round and round the wheel of life to get ahead in successive generations.  The earth may be round, but God does not intend for people to run in circles.  However, run around they do but most do not actually arrive.  The destination is Heaven on earth.  How many people can say that they are living life on earth as it is in Heaven? [1]

[1] Even though nobody has ever lived in Heaven or in Hell, on certain occasions, English-speaking people have described life as "a living hell" and have wished or threatened to make somebody's life "a living hell" on the one hand, and have said, "I feel like I'm in heaven" on the other.  These sayings exist because all people, English-speaking or otherwise, "know" deep down in their hearts what Heaven can be like and what is Hell.

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