Saturday, April 20, 2013

Third Of Many Prayers Of Francis Of Assisi

The following is quoted verbatim, italics original [1]:

At Matins
Antiphon:  Holy Virgin Mary
Psalm [ III ]

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me*
because my soul places its trust in you.
I will hope in the shadow of your wings*
until wickedness pass by.
I will cry to the Most High God, my most holy Father,*
who has done good to me.
He has sent from heaven and delivered me;*
He has disgraced those who have trampled upon me.
God has sent His mercy and His truth;*
He has snatched my life from the strongest of my enemies +
and from those who hated me for they were too powerful for me.
They prepared a trap for my feet*
and bowed down my soul.
They dug a pit before my face*
and fell into it themselves!
My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready;*
I will sing and chant a psalm.
Arise, my glory, arise psalter and harp,*
I will arise at dawn.
I will praise you among the peoples, O Lord,*
I will chant a psalm to you among the nations.
Because your mercy is exalted even to the skies,*
and your truth even to the clouds.
Be exalted above the heavens, O God.*
and may your glory be over all the earth. [2]


[1]  Armstrong, Regis J. O.F.M. Cap. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume I, The Saint. Page 143. New York: New York City Press, 2000.
[2] The book's footnote says this prayer is said at Prime, remembering Christ's appearance before Pontius Pilate and Christ's resurrection.

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