Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Protector

"Do not betray my trust in you and I will be your Protector."  Even though I put quotation marks around those words I just typed, they were not said by anyone I know.  I just came up with them, so they could be from my imagination or part of my life's philosophy influenced by the teachings of Christ.  There is an outside chance that the thought could be the Truth.  Why should I be privy to the Truth since I am not an effective messenger?  I am merely an ordinary person who happens to write and by writing in a blog on the internet, perhaps I have a hope that someone would read it and perhaps agree or be upset with me.  Either way, I would be flattered to have anyone read any of my stuff.  Even if my audience is zero, I am nonetheless motivated to write, to share what is on my mind today with my physical tomorrows that will eventually end and with my energy that will not, so my thoughts had better be good since I do not want to exist as bad energy beyond the end of time.  That would be hell.

Back to my thought:  Do not betray my trust in you and I will be your Protector.  The Lord God could easily have said these words but so could a drug lord but they have so much more meaning and power if God said them.  If God said them, then what exactly do they mean?  Unlike Judas who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver when Christ was in the flesh, how does one betray God?  Who will consider giving up a penny to another to betray God when God could very well be an unproven or unprovable concept, or even a failed concept? [1]  But God is not a "concept."  God represents all that is good and goodness is as real a component of life as life itself and it was personified in Christ.

When Judas betray Jesus, he was betraying goodness, not just ordinary goodness but perfection in goodness.  When we betray God's trust in us, we also betray perfection in goodness.  Without 30 pieces of silver to show as evidence of betrayal, how can one prove that a betrayal of God has taken place in one's daily life?  Betrayal of God is not as amorphous as it seems; it is in fact painful, far more for God than the person betrayed because God had endowed everyone with goodness and trusts all to exercise their Free Will to reject Satan, act and be good but the person betrayed never truly believes the betrayer but only wishes the betrayer to be true to the point of delusion.  Thus a person who has been betrayed does not hurt nearly as much as God who has been betrayed by the betrayer taking advantage of God's gift of Free Will by turning it into a sword to cut off God's love and kindness in order to side with Satan rather than God.

The number of ways God can be betrayed is almost countless and the most heinous ways are similar to Judas' kiss.  Intellectual dishonesty comes close; feigned care and love toward a friend is even closer and a person's feigned care and love toward a parent is closer still.  There is not enough internet space to itemize an exhaustive list and I am not going to start.  One's true conscience can always tell a betrayal.  Listen to it, follow it and God will become the Protector.

[1] Some religions are still waiting for God to arrive even though people have been living their lives without God, paying only lip-service to God's teachings. 

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